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Get In Touch

Location: Republic of Tajikistan, Sugd region, Isfara city, Binokor street

Telephone: +992 401 14 14 14

Telephone: +992 114 14 14 14


Working Hours: M-F: 8am – 5pm

Admission FAQs

Please check our FAQs section to see if your question has already been addressed. If not feel free to contact us and we will do our best to get back to your query as soon as we possibly can.

Is there a deadline for the application?

Applications for admittance are due April 1 continuously to August of each school year, although the school practices a policy of rolling admissions from April 1 until the grade level is full. Once a grade is full, a waiting list is started.

Parents of students currently enrolled must state their intention to return by April 1 of the current academic year. Siblings of enrolled students will be given priority for admission if they have completed the application process prior to April 1.

Applicants for the current school year who apply after April 1 may be admitted for the remainder of that year only if there is space available for the following year. Admittance for the current year, however, does not guarantee a place for the following school year.

Do we need to come to KIS for an interview?

We like to meet with each student as part of the admissions process before a student is admitted into Kontakt International School. To schedule an appointment email the school registrar at  or call

+992 401 14 14 14
+992 114 14 14 14

Do you accept students during the school year?

Yes. We have families who enter the school throughout the academic year, mostly in January and February. When this occurs, the regular application process is followed and students are enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis, if space is available.

Can I reserve a space for my child for a second-semester entry in January?

We cannot guarantee available spaces, given the high demand. Please submit your application and all necessary paperwork to the school office as far in advance of your posting to Isfara as you are able.

For information about payment please contact the business office at