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College Counseling

The Kontakt International School University Placement Centre.

 Kontakt International School offers college counseling and preparation for KIS students in grades 11 and 12. We are committed to providing a student-centered developmental guidance program for every KIS student as they work through the university placement system. This comprehensive program supports the personal growth of each student in attaining his or her maximum potential by helping them identify their academic strengths, weaknesses, interests, and intellectual abilities.

Our university placement center serves as a resource to students, parents, faculty, and community groups in meeting the educational and career needs of our students. This is accomplished through classroom presentations on career education and preparing for achievement tests, special guest speakers on relevant topics of concern, and small group and individual college counseling sessions.

Additionally, we strive to “de-stress” the college process by encouraging students to become fully involved in the academic, social and extracurricular life of our school. By students becoming fully involved in their four years in high school, the college process becomes a natural part of a student’s life.

University Placement Counseling
The Kontakt International School’s University Placement Centre begins with the fundamental belief that the college search and selection process should be student-centered. This four-year self-discovery process focuses on individualized counseling with students.

We strive to accentuate the positive in our students by helping them recognize the excellence they have achieved and guide them to seek the most appropriate match in a college/university in light of their particular strengths and abilities.

We guide students through this intricate maze called the college and university admissions process, supporting them academically, personally, and intellectually as they prepare for the world beyond high school.

We assist students in a continuous evaluation of present and future plans and goals, emphasizing their role and responsibility in making choices. We educate parents on their vital roles and responsibilities and provide support and guidance.

We believe that if pursued through a holistic approach designed to foster positive self-esteem, including the development of each student’s sense of security, identity, belonging, purpose, and personal competence, every student can achieve success in this integral part of the high school experience.